Calvin’s Poem

Created by John 4 years ago
Five Minutes
If I only had five minutes the day you passed away,
I would have had time to tell you all the things I needed to say.
I never got to tell you how much you mean to me,
Or that you were the best that anyone could be.
The last time that I talked to you I wish I would have known.
I would have said I love you, and kept you on the phone.
If I only had five minutes, the day you passed away,
I would have had time to tell you how much I needed you to stay
I’d hold on to you with real tight hugs I wouldn’t want you to go
I would tell you that I’ll miss you, more than you’ll ever know
But now you’re with my father, finally back together
Just like you always signed your cards, With love today, tomorrow, always and forever!
If I only had five minutes, the day you passed away,
I would have had time to tell you how much I’ll miss you, each and every day
Adapted from “5 Minutes” by Annmarie Campbell